Monday, May 26, 2014

Holy Communion Everywhere

This Sunday I will be serving my last congregation wide communion service as pastor of Hope Church.  It seems only fitting that I should spend time considering this one of our two United Methodist sacraments. Baptism being the other. Only two.

But wait, don't we have many rituals and ceremonies, dedications, and consecrations in the UM church?  Sure, but only these two were deemed by John Wesley, the founder of our church, as well as the millions who have followed him in what is called the Wesleyan Tradition beyond the UMC, as sacraments ordained by Christ Himself through His actions recorded in Scripture.  Jesus told us all, every one of us, to go and baptize every nation, every people group, every person, in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And He ordained the first Holy Communion at His own last Passover Meal. Jesus told His gathered disciples to always remember Him when they dine, and especially in these faith community meals.

Some Christian churches celebrate communion more often than once a month in congregational meeting.  Some weekly, some daily, some several times daily.  I have taught since making my first study of communion that Jesus invites us to His table every time we sit down at a table we call ours.  When we eat, we are to remember His body, broken for us.  When we drink, we are to remember His blood, shed for us. Every time we consume a Snicker's Bar or Reese's Cup, so I believe, we must remember, confess our sins as we may recognize them since our last communion (meal, snack, food binge), and give thanks for His providence and forgiveness through the act of providing us with all we have.

Jesus loved a party.  There are more dinner parties in the Gospels than any other kind of gathering.  And many of these were not just gatherings of the beloved.  In fact almost all such recorded dinners, lunches, and snack times included not only unbelievers in Jesus as Messiah, but involved persons whose very occupations labeled them as 'sinners' in the Jewish culture of First Century AD Roman Palestine. Tax collectors, for example, and anti-Roman zealots (called terrorists today), and even, dare we believe, WOMEN!

And so it is hardly difficult to believe that Jesus would teach in these communions the most important tenets of our faith.  Nothing new, mind you.  Everything Jesus taught God had been trying to bang into His kids heads since Genesis 1. But this time, with FOOD!

Over my years at Hope Church, especially since we built and began worshiping in our own building, I have heard many arguments for and against our current culture of allowing folk to bring food into the worship space during worship. Some have said the crunching, slurping and bag rattling can at times sound like a movie theater. Many have decried the messes left on the carpet and trash left under the chairs by some folk who may only know how to treat a public space with food as they do a movie theater. And some have just said, "We don't need food in church.  We come here to worship, not get fat." 

Well, I must admit, I have consumed my share of saturated fat over these years in the Hope Church building and on the grounds but I have tried to teach, hopefully through example, that the meal or snack, every time it is enjoyed, in private or in the middle of my sermon, is Holy Communion. And besides, Hope Church has built every space it has constructed to be 'multi-purpose'. This means that so far in it's property-holding life Hope Church has believed that no space, regardless how big or small, is sacred to only one activity.  It's a 'God's Money' thing. It's His money, and if we refuse a godly activity in any space His money has created we are pinching off a few opportunities to share the Gospel with a few more people. Maybe especially with those who don't yet know our building is not just a movie theater for Jesus (Well, we do have two screens in there)

I do not know what Hope Church will do with this somewhat unique practice among even more progressive 21st century church attenders but I do know this: when I eat, anything, even bacon fat saturated Trix cereal (one of our snacks this past Sunday- Whoa!), I take at least a few seconds to recognize my wrongs and God's rights in my life, and I thank Him for the gift of His body and blood to me.

Now, for anyone who began this 'teaser' with the thought that it might be an essay on the specific ways and reasons for and of practicing Holy Communion I invite you to click the link below to read the best United Methodist articles on this sacrament.

And for those of us who just love to eat, please, go light on that bacon fat saturated breakfast food!

-Pastor Ken

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Are the Atheists Winning?

The most well known apologist for the concept of no God, Christopher Hitchens, died in December 2011 of pneumonia as a complication of esophageal cancer. For some, a most difficult and painful way to end one's life. The author of the best selling book "God is not Great", he was almost as well known for his attacks on the British Monarchy and his support for the post 9/11 Iraq war.  Hitchens spoke his piece, on any subject, unashamedly, and did so in a most engaging and articulate way. But he will likely be known best to historians of the early 21st century as the man who most promoted (evangelized) atheism.

Prior to Christopher Hitchens atheists were a Motley, mostly non, Crew of folks who occasionally surfaced in the press but usually chose to remain anonymous.  No president of the US has ever succeeded to that post without a Bible, always Christian, by his side or in his hand. Even atheist leaders of some huge businesses (think Ted Turner of CNN and Turner Movies, etc) kept their strong views lower key on religion than politics or business.  "Don't ask, don't tell", was the common dictum of our western past. However, since Hitchen's book publication, and the outing of other well spoken advocates of 'no God', we have seen a growing outpouring of books, speaking events, even advertising for living a life that ends abruptly with the last breath.

Then came Christopher Hitchens, and 9/11.  A horrible act carried out by horribly misguided and angry people in the very name of God.  It didn't matter that they called God Allah.  They were dangerous believers and we Christians could identify similar folks in our own tribe.  think Ruby Ridge, Abortion clinic bombings, and even Tim McVey and the Oklahoma Federal Building bomb. All of a sudden true believers were possibly scary, not just weird, to an unbeliever.

I saw my first atheist billboard outside of Wilmington, Delaware on I-95 in 2005.  Then online and newspaper, sometimes full page, ads, calling me to re-think my faith in someone who never existed.  Catch phrases like, "A personal relationship with reality", "There is no god, so stop worrying and enjoy your life", "Man created God in his own image", etc, do make us think, and some of us to think our way right out of our faith.  How many of us who have had the opportunity to attend college or even some seminaries, can attest to the fact that God was a subject of ridicule to such an extent that students who went to church kept that much to themselves to avoid criticism from peers? Without college, I was still influenced to reject God for a while in my 20's just because I couldn't find a rational, practical, visible, logical explanation for nature.  It took a real and illogical experience that was also quite supernatural to return me to the faith of my youth, and my fathers and mothers.

Today there are Atheistic think tanks, study groups, and advocacy centers. Atheists are OUT in the US Senate and House of Representatives. And i'm not talking about the ACLU.  That group of lawyers is MOSTLY Christian, though pretty liberal in their theology.  They have fought legal battles on the side of Scripture as much as against what they perceive as it's misuse. No, more dangerous than any legal battle over prayer in school or a nativity scene in a public park is this: Godless Communism is now joined by a growing number of godless democratic leaders (Please note- I did NOT say here that Democrats are godless!!!). Our nation, and other nations of the world, are being led by more and more men and women who know nothing of God's saving grace. So what is our response to be? Are the Atheists winning in this war of words and broadband access?

First, I invite you to attend one of Hope Church's two services this Sunday (8:30 or 11 am) for my answer to that question.  And more importantly I invite you to consider that God calls each of us to respond in love and clarity to those who do not yet know, have not yet met, God.

I ask you to pay as much attention to the faith of the political candidates you vote for as their politics. And you can't do that by looking for the biblical reference in their ads or the picture of them with a Bible nearby.  Remember, I taught Sunday School for awhile in a Bible believing church while denying Christ. It's easy to teach the Bible as history and good thoughts without any belief in the author of it all.

And finally, I ask you to be in prayer that God will enliven your own faith; build up each of your days so that you may live the fulfilled and fulfilling life He intended for you from before you were born. God has a plan for each of us, and it's a doozey!  How do I know???

I mentioned Ted Turner as an atheist businessman a couple of paragraphs ago.  Check out this CBN.COM quote:

"...Many of Turner’s better-known comments were direct jabs at Christianity. He once called it “a religion for losers” and told employees who observed Ash Wednesday that “Jesus freaks” should go work for FOX (the rival to the Turner-founded news giant CNN). He apologized for the latter comment, but his feelings for Christians were no secret.
That’s why it was such a surprise when it was announced this week that Turner is joining in a $200 million effort to fight malaria in Africa with Methodist and Lutheran organizations.
"Turner, who earlier in his life was proudly anti-religion, now says that he no longer considers himself an atheist or agnostic.  After all his experience seeing the world and observing what it has to offer, one thing has been made clear: "Religion is one of the bright spots as far as I'm concerned,” he told AP.
"Although Turner has yet to formally embrace any religious doctrine or Christianity, the dramatic shift in attitude shows that something has changed in the life of this media mogul...  after decades of wisecracking spars, Turner’s mind was changed not just by words, but by actions. It’s easy to want to fight back when it feels like your faith is under attack, but sometimes the easy way isnt the right way.
For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business. (James 1:11)
"Maybe Ted Turner, who says he has read the Bible cover-to-cover more than once, understands that there is something to be said for humility and has recalled James’ warning to the rich and powerful. And maybe, whether he realizes it or not, he caught a glimpse of true “religion”."


Monday, May 12, 2014

Trouble with a Capital T

Trouble with a Capital T

Robert Preston made a name for himself in Hollywood in so many film genres over his long career in movies and on stage. From tough cowboy to Parisian queen and most in between.  But perhaps nowhere is his name more linked to a role than in the hit Broadway musical, The Music Man.

Playing a sharp huckster and con man who's just come to a small and very serious-about-itself small Midwestern US town he seeks to sell the parents of the town band instruments and uniforms for all the town youth, and in the process teach all to play those instruments by his very 'unique' THINK METHOD.

And how will he get those tight Missouri wallets open to purchase the implements and accouterments  of his band?  By convincing the owners of them, parents all, that there is trouble in River City. Trouble coming in the Devil's wake in the form of a new pool room in town.  Spoiler Alert:  he does.


The trouble we are speaking of is not dissimilar to what the sharp salesman above warns of.  Preston is basically telling his prospects that even in the midst of this wonderful, quiet, bucolic, peaceful, fully Christian town, there is a problem, a reason to fear, a possible disaster waiting in the wings which requires immediate action to squelch. Get the kids into a time absorbing and fascinating band, or they'll be led to personal and familial destruction by the insidious evils of temptation run rampant.

Put aside all the tongue in cheek humor, the funny characters of the play and film, and the rather miraculous (spoiler alert 2) conclusion to the play and you have a tale that rings true today in every neighborhood of New York, Philly or Reading and indeed in our own Birdsboro, Douglassville and on your own street.  We, too, have trouble.  It also begins with a capital T. But unlike the trouble in the movie, ours will keep on coming, in many forms, till we join our Maker for all eternity. Life is full of, sometimes seems made of, TROUBLE.  dear friends, life is HARD.

So what do we do? I start with two, among so many, good Words from God: 

John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Philippians 4:6 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
In the first quote 'take heart' means never give up hope, and 'prayer' means... PRAYER. In these two sentences we have the entire formula from the maker of all that is for dealing with any kind of trouble; capital or small T.  First, calm down, slow your heart rate, life is always and always will be hard. And second, talk to God about it, whatever it is; from a needed parking space to a dying child.

"But", you say with a truly sarcastic look my way, "I've prayed and I get no response! I've pleaded with God and nothing happens!  I cried out to God and my child died; my job was lost; my food ran out; my spouse left me; my..."  on and on. If there is a guarantee from God that trouble is to be expected in life there is an equal promise that we will not find answers when we expect only what we want from God, when we go to Him in prayer only when we are in trouble, and when we are so busy talking to Him that we never hear Him talk back.

So here are some very quick, but all proven reliable (over quite a few thousand years!) ways to find peace through God's answers, instead of anxiety from only your own:

-Start praying before your discover your trouble.  Do you change the oil in your car regularly? Why? So you won't have trouble with your car, right?  Prayer is powerful and necessary in an emergency. But if you are in conversation with God constantly (no, not just every 4,000 miles), when trouble comes you'll already be set to receive God's answers because you'll know how to hear His voice.

-Whatever your trouble is, God through Jesus Christ has already won your battle. This doesn't mean you or your loved one won't lose their job, run out of money, die. It means that in the worst case scenario of trouble you, with God, win. "Heaven? You mean we win by going to Heaven?  But I just want a job for now! I want my life to be better now, not death, or hurt, or pain?!" Sure we do.  I do. We are all human and like dogs running to the nearest food source (Alpo or bunnies) we chase after what gives us the most instant gratification or joy.

-So stop.  Just stop whatever you are doing; anything.  And focus (close your eyes, kneel, lay down, whatever you need to do to focus on only talking with (not just to) God.

-Start off not with what you want, but with acknowledging how you have not lived, or done, what He wants for you.  This is called confession, and no one but you and God need ever know it, unless God tells you to share it appropriately with someone else.

-Then thank God for all He has already given you.  Sometimes all it takes is to be reminded of the blessings you do have to stop worrying about the ones you don't.

-Now ask him for what it is you need.  Specifically and clearly.  He already knows but He wants to hear your personal request.

-Finally thank Him for providing exactly what you need.  Yes, it may not be what you want.  We all WANT our loved ones to never die, our good jobs to last forever and to never grow old.  But it is what God wants for us that will always be best for us.  honest.

And on that 'growing old' thing?  God, through the death and resurrection of His son Jesus, if you truly believe in Him, promises that won't be a problem at all.

Somebody say AMEN!


Monday, May 5, 2014

Mother's Day DATE

I wonder if Louise Johnson, who set the date for Armed Forces Day, made a mistake when she placed it six days after Mother's Day.  After all, they had to have realized that Mother's Day was already on the calendar.

According to WIKIPEDIA: 
The modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in Grafton, West Virginia. She then began a campaign to make "Mother's Day" a recognized holiday in the United States.  As a woman who was also defined by her faith, she was very active within the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church community. It was during one of her mother's Sunday school lessons that Anna Jarvis allegedly found her inspiration for Mother’s Day, as mother closed the lesson with a prayer, stating,
I hope and pray that someone, sometime, will found a memorial mothers day commemorating her for the matchless service she renders to humanity in every field of life. She is entitled to it.

According to the US Department of Defense (DOD):
On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days.

In a speech announcing the formation of the day, President Truman "praised the work of the military services at home and across the seas" and said, "it is vital to the security of the nation and to the establishment of a desirable peace."

In an excerpt from the Presidential Proclamation of Feb. 27, 1950, Mr. Truman stated: "Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first combined demonstration by America's defense team of its progress, under the National Security Act, towards the goal of readiness for any eventuality. It is the first parade of preparedness by the unified forces of our land, sea, and air defense".

"What's the problem with the date?" you have every right to ask. And I shall answer:

-What child or father is not served well by the strength of the good mother's own arms, hands, and elbow grease?
-What good mother is not vital to the security of the nation which BEGINS in the security of the home?
-What good mother must not be ever vigilant, fully ready for any eventuality, from scuffed knees to broken bones, from sibling fights to all out familial warfare?
-What good mother is not the model of appropriate preparedness for the vicissitudes (like that word? It means problems. Using it makes me look smart, don't you think?  :)  ) of life?
-And what godly mother does not choose at all times to be prepared for war so that peace may reign in her home?
   -Luke 10:5 Whenever you enter a home say "Peace be to this home".
   -Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

So you see?  How much more efficient it would have been if President Truman and Louis Johnson had chosen to double down on Mother's Day for the date of Armed Forces Day?  Mother's would have still received flowers, and also a parade in their honor. With TANKS!


You had to have noticed in the brief essay above that when I gave my reasons for a fictionally combined holiday I spoke of GOOD, and GODLY, mothers.  Not just all moms.  That was not a mistake. It was, and is, intentional.  While Anna Jarvis was thinking of her own mother's love for her family (13 kids) when she created the first holiday, many of us have birth mothers we not only have a hard time loving because they chose to not show us love, or we may never even know who they are.

So it's Mother's Day, 2014.  What do those of us in these categories do with the day?  Try to ignore it?  Good luck, thanks to sermons in most church's and greeting cards in every store.  Oh, and SPECIAL BUFFETS in every restaurant.  What do the mothers of America demand for their special menu do you think?

Here's what I suggest: 
If you can't identify your mother, or cannot thank her for a job she never did, consider blessing with your love, cards, presence, the woman, or MAN, who was YOUR good and godly mom.  Maybe a neighbor you grew up living next to.  Maybe a grandparent or aunt who mothered you when mother would or could not. Maybe the dad who covered both jobs for you.

And if you have been blessed with multiple mom's (often called by the youth of Hope Church Mom 1, 2, 3 etc.) blow your life savings and take them all out to dinner this Sunday! Or at least, get each of them a card.

Happy Mother's Day!
And Dear Good and Godly Mother's, thank you all for being forearmed, and well prepared, for the appropriate defense of our homes!

-Pastor Ken