Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Are the Atheists Winning?

The most well known apologist for the concept of no God, Christopher Hitchens, died in December 2011 of pneumonia as a complication of esophageal cancer. For some, a most difficult and painful way to end one's life. The author of the best selling book "God is not Great", he was almost as well known for his attacks on the British Monarchy and his support for the post 9/11 Iraq war.  Hitchens spoke his piece, on any subject, unashamedly, and did so in a most engaging and articulate way. But he will likely be known best to historians of the early 21st century as the man who most promoted (evangelized) atheism.

Prior to Christopher Hitchens atheists were a Motley, mostly non, Crew of folks who occasionally surfaced in the press but usually chose to remain anonymous.  No president of the US has ever succeeded to that post without a Bible, always Christian, by his side or in his hand. Even atheist leaders of some huge businesses (think Ted Turner of CNN and Turner Movies, etc) kept their strong views lower key on religion than politics or business.  "Don't ask, don't tell", was the common dictum of our western past. However, since Hitchen's book publication, and the outing of other well spoken advocates of 'no God', we have seen a growing outpouring of books, speaking events, even advertising for living a life that ends abruptly with the last breath.

Then came Christopher Hitchens, and 9/11.  A horrible act carried out by horribly misguided and angry people in the very name of God.  It didn't matter that they called God Allah.  They were dangerous believers and we Christians could identify similar folks in our own tribe.  think Ruby Ridge, Abortion clinic bombings, and even Tim McVey and the Oklahoma Federal Building bomb. All of a sudden true believers were possibly scary, not just weird, to an unbeliever.

I saw my first atheist billboard outside of Wilmington, Delaware on I-95 in 2005.  Then online and newspaper, sometimes full page, ads, calling me to re-think my faith in someone who never existed.  Catch phrases like, "A personal relationship with reality", "There is no god, so stop worrying and enjoy your life", "Man created God in his own image", etc, do make us think, and some of us to think our way right out of our faith.  How many of us who have had the opportunity to attend college or even some seminaries, can attest to the fact that God was a subject of ridicule to such an extent that students who went to church kept that much to themselves to avoid criticism from peers? Without college, I was still influenced to reject God for a while in my 20's just because I couldn't find a rational, practical, visible, logical explanation for nature.  It took a real and illogical experience that was also quite supernatural to return me to the faith of my youth, and my fathers and mothers.

Today there are Atheistic think tanks, study groups, and advocacy centers. Atheists are OUT in the US Senate and House of Representatives. And i'm not talking about the ACLU.  That group of lawyers is MOSTLY Christian, though pretty liberal in their theology.  They have fought legal battles on the side of Scripture as much as against what they perceive as it's misuse. No, more dangerous than any legal battle over prayer in school or a nativity scene in a public park is this: Godless Communism is now joined by a growing number of godless democratic leaders (Please note- I did NOT say here that Democrats are godless!!!). Our nation, and other nations of the world, are being led by more and more men and women who know nothing of God's saving grace. So what is our response to be? Are the Atheists winning in this war of words and broadband access?

First, I invite you to attend one of Hope Church's two services this Sunday (8:30 or 11 am) for my answer to that question.  And more importantly I invite you to consider that God calls each of us to respond in love and clarity to those who do not yet know, have not yet met, God.

I ask you to pay as much attention to the faith of the political candidates you vote for as their politics. And you can't do that by looking for the biblical reference in their ads or the picture of them with a Bible nearby.  Remember, I taught Sunday School for awhile in a Bible believing church while denying Christ. It's easy to teach the Bible as history and good thoughts without any belief in the author of it all.

And finally, I ask you to be in prayer that God will enliven your own faith; build up each of your days so that you may live the fulfilled and fulfilling life He intended for you from before you were born. God has a plan for each of us, and it's a doozey!  How do I know???

I mentioned Ted Turner as an atheist businessman a couple of paragraphs ago.  Check out this CBN.COM quote:

"...Many of Turner’s better-known comments were direct jabs at Christianity. He once called it “a religion for losers” and told employees who observed Ash Wednesday that “Jesus freaks” should go work for FOX (the rival to the Turner-founded news giant CNN). He apologized for the latter comment, but his feelings for Christians were no secret.
That’s why it was such a surprise when it was announced this week that Turner is joining in a $200 million effort to fight malaria in Africa with Methodist and Lutheran organizations.
"Turner, who earlier in his life was proudly anti-religion, now says that he no longer considers himself an atheist or agnostic.  After all his experience seeing the world and observing what it has to offer, one thing has been made clear: "Religion is one of the bright spots as far as I'm concerned,” he told AP.
"Although Turner has yet to formally embrace any religious doctrine or Christianity, the dramatic shift in attitude shows that something has changed in the life of this media mogul...  after decades of wisecracking spars, Turner’s mind was changed not just by words, but by actions. It’s easy to want to fight back when it feels like your faith is under attack, but sometimes the easy way isnt the right way.
For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business. (James 1:11)
"Maybe Ted Turner, who says he has read the Bible cover-to-cover more than once, understands that there is something to be said for humility and has recalled James’ warning to the rich and powerful. And maybe, whether he realizes it or not, he caught a glimpse of true “religion”."


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