Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finally... I prayed

Why?  Oh why do we so often go to the Lord with our needs FINALLY, instead of FIRST?  But, we do.

A family is wracked by the pain of divorce, a job is lost and Christmas is coming, your car breaks down for the umpteenth time, you have a week to go in the month and your budget runs out today.  In these and countless other examples of 'NEEDS', not wants, we all too often curse, shout, grumble, complain, Facebook and then, when all else fails, as of course it will, we pray.

There is a simple and trustworthy text in Scripture that I have locked into my memory to help me avoid this mistake.  And if I can memorize anything, I'm believing you can too.

It's the text I'll be sharing this week at Hope Church where the Finance Team has asked me to speak in a mission moment to the congregation about our most current financial challenge.  It's a text I'll use when Mona and I are living on the road and the diesel conks out on the motor coach.  It's the text David, the king of the nation of Israel, wrote down for every generation of kings and paupers that follow to remember and believe when he was in the midst of his own grief and loss.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

IF we believe this is true...
IF we live as though we believe it...

God will care for our churches, and my, finances.
God will care for my mechanical breakdowns.
God will care for my family, and me, even if I can't.


Because God IS my shepherd, and I am a sheep of His pasture.  And in Him, I shall not want.



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