Sunday, December 8, 2013

NO Christmas decorations at DeWalts??

For the first time since 1950...

...there are NO Christmas decorations in Ken DeWalt's home. None.

No Christmas decor in the home of a guy who spent the 25 years before going into ministry managing, purchasing, importing and laying out retail Christmas merchandise? No Christmas tree, lights or packages for the kid who spent his first 22 years loving the Christmas season as his HAP-HAP-HAPPIEST TIME of the year?  That's right. None.

Well, I'll tell ya'. And it has nothing to do with my theology, buying habits or decorative taste. It's all about FOCUS.  You see, as Mona and I approached this Christmas season, with all of our own preparations for selling Mona's store, my retirement in June 2014, selling the house, selling off or giving away 99% of all we own, buying a smaller car and a much smaller home (on wheels), Whew!!, Decorating for the HOLY-DAYS just went farther and farther down on our to-do list.  And now... it's fallen right off the page.

It's not that we don't like decorations anymore.  We LOVE to see our neighbors lights, the churches garlands and poinsettias, and I still have to walk through any store's Christmas display just to see what's new. But with no one planning to spend Christmas at our home this year we are sorta-kinda enjoying our own focus on the changes happening in our lives and the fact that we won't have to take down all the decs before we leave to pick up the motor coach in Mobile, Alabama come New Year's Eve. Life has gotten a tad less complicated even though a bit less colorful at the DeWalt home.  And then there's Jesus.

Now please understand, no one with my pre-ministry background could ever think decorating to celebrate Jesus' birthday was a bad idea. But I have to say, not decorating has put a whole new perspective on the season into me. Not decorating means I'm spending some additional time in the Word this year.  No lights to put up means I'm thinking a little more about what Christmas really means to me. No Rudolph or Moravian Star in the front yard means I'm not looking over my decs and comparing them to other's in some semi-unconscious competition to feel superior without letting on (yes- I have done that in past years- semi-consciously).  But mostly I'm finding joy in this, my last Christmas season at Hope Church, in some simpler things.  

The carol we sang this morning in worship seemed holier.  The 'Nativity Story' movie we watched together Saturday evening was more meaningful. My conversations in front of Mona's fireplace without the tree seem closer and more personal: not about the tree, but about us.

In short, I feel personally closer to Mona, Jesus Christ, and Christmas this year than, perhaps, I have ever been.

Hmmm.  Maybe the Grinch didn't do the Who's any favors by bringing back Whoville's lights, trees and presents.  After all, they seemed to be celebrating Christmas quite well well that Christmas morning with no Christmas pantookas and woozles before he showed up!

Just sayin'!  :)


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