Sunday, June 15, 2014

Loving doesn't take agreement- it takes Jesus

We worshiped this morning with the lovely people of Arvada United Methodist Church.  AUMC is one of the many UMC's in the Denver area, and other usually more urban regions of the US,  which are called 'Reconciling Congregations". These are the churches of our world wide denomination which believe that the Bible should be read differently than it has for the past 1950 years or so regarding same sex life and marriage.
We UM's and most Christian Churches have struggled with this issue since the 1950's. And we struggle with it still.  But at Arvada UMC, as in many other Reconciling Congregations the love of Jesus is what is focused on.  His unconditional love for all persons, regardless of their feelings and beliefs.  We felt that love today as we got to know the Walters and Frisch folk, three generations of the same family worshipping at AUMC. They sat at our table for the pastries and coffee following the service.
All are active in the ministries of the church but daughter and mom is also the Youth Leader for the congregation. She says she is only their follower since they come up with the ideas for their own ministry and she just helps make them happen.  But that is what a leader often does, right?

These great folk told us of their love for the church and Jesus. But on this issue, they read the words of Paul in the New Testament differently than more
                                                                                    traditional, or orthodox, Christians do.

However the Walters and Frisch families view of God's view of homosexuality is in many places around the world becoming THE view. Our daughters Jenn and Chris and their family are proof of that to us.  And my own brothers 30 year plus committed relationship to his partner are so as well. Culture wars have split, and changed churches before.  How will the Scriptures concerning homosexual life that Mona and I grew up with be taught to our great-grand kids?  I have a thought on that.  I believe that I must discover what Jesus would do in any similar situation.  And the similar situation I see in the Gospels is that of the Good Samaritan.

The injured Jew wouldn't have walked on the same side of the street as his 'savior', the merchant Samaritan.  Yet the Samaritan saved his life and paid his bills.  If I believe God loves me even 1/10th as much as that, and I am to love others, especially those I may disagree with and even fight with, just because Jesus/God/The Holy Spirit tells me to, then I have no choice.  I may differ strongly with someone on any issue, even this one, but I must allow God's love to show through me, and into our relationship, unconditionally.

And this is not the simple 'be nice while you face each other' kind of love. This is GOD'S love. I may believe you are a sinner, but I know I am.  

So Lord, forgive us our tresspasses please, and help us to see what You want us to see in your Word, even if it takes till we meet you in the air! Amen.

 -Pastor Ken

PS: Outside the fellowship Center where we got to know the Walters and Frisch's we found this bulletin board decorated with some of AUMC's children's responses to a question I paraphrase as, 'When do I feel closest to God?"

The answers these children give are sometimes expected, "He loves me". and sometimes profound. They seem to come from kids learning to love the Lord and each other, regardless of their differences.

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